Wednesday March 3, 2021 - Evening

 Brian’s body is responding very well to having tubes and drains removed this morning. Systems that sometimes take a while to readjust to working are already responding on their own! 

Transfer to LTAC could be as early at Friday! 


  1. Thank you Jesus!!! He will be and is a miracle, these happens when more then one come in his name. Prayers to all from Mike and Maria hammen

  2. Keep it coming Brian!!! The whole world is sending you strength!!!

  3. Praying for Brian, medical staff, family and friends as Brian continues to gain strength on Brian's 4th path of recovery!

  4. Thank you Jesus!! We love you Brian and Lauren! We will continue to pray for miraculous healing and strength❤️
    -Dave & Cindy R.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So thankful! We have been praying daily that God heal Brian through His amazing Grace and comfort Lauren with His peace that surpasses all understanding!


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