Saturday March 6, 2021

A new norm. 

Brian is very stable today, which is awesome given a change in location and entirely new environment. 
The doctor today got a response from his left pupil today. 
Lauren is with him right now, pampering him and making sure he knows she’s there and loving him fiercely every minute of every day! 
Consult and care plan with his main doctor will be on Monday, but he’s already been consulting with those caring for Brian thus far- so he can jump right in. 

Countdown to conscious Brian!! 


  1. Thinking of you all every day! So glad to hear that Brian is stable after the big move. xo

  2. Very grateful for the updates, our prayers will always be send to all of you. God bless everyone Brian you got this!! With god all is possible. Hammey is thinking of you always. Keep fighting buddy.

  3. Brian you got this. Gods got the wheel !!!

  4. Heck yeah, Brian!!! I am so appreciative of the updates. I am always checking in, and rooting for you guys from a distance. Praying for both of you

  5. Your NJ Blue family is pulling for you. Hang tough!


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