Friday March 5, 2021 - Evening Update

Hope you all are eating some Chick-fil-a as you read this! Go back and grab a shake before 7!! 

Brian us being moved to LTAC tonight!!

Dr. McFavorite came and talked us through the move, gave some insight into scope of treatment during this new phase, and comforting information about the background and expertise of the Doctor who will be overseeing Brian’s recovery. 

We’re feeling good about a move tonight!! 

Might not have any more updates tonight as Brian will just be getting settled in. 


  1. Praying for Brian and Lauren to overcome this obstacle. I am Amazed at the support that has been shown. This goes to show the kind of people Brian and Lauren are. Sending Power Prayers from the GSAM family!! Keep fighting the good fight Brian!

  2. Praying for Brian and Lauren to overcome this obstacle. I am Amazed at the support that has been shown. This goes to show the kind of people Brian and Lauren are. Sending Power Prayers from the GSAM family!! Keep fighting the good fight Brian!


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