Long Overdue Oct Update

I updated the GoFundMe page as we re-boot that heading into 2023, but realized I haven't been here in a minute - so see below for my long winded 'thank you' to everyone that continues to follow Brian's recovery.

I also wanted to share a few fundraisers/events that will be coming up for Brian's birthday month:

  • Saturday, October 15th: Got Your Six 2nd Annual Blue Brew @ Alter Brewing in Downers Grove (only 11 tickets left!)
  • Sunday, October 23rd: Bowling for Brian @ Lisle Lanes (bring the family out!)
  • Envelopes for Brian: Another birthday effort coordinated by Brian's best friends coming soon :)

--------------------------pasted from GoFundMe-------------------------

Hi everyone. It has been a long 19 months of 'groundhog's' day for us, as we navigate Brian's recovery. Almost all of the time, this reality is surreal. I can't fathom that this happened or that it has taken this long to come seemingly not far at all.

But we have, in fact, come far. Much of that is attributed to you. Your support - whether financially, emotionally, physically, prayerfully - has kept me going. Has kept our family going. It has opened doors & allowed Brian opportunities we otherwise could not have afforded. The toll this has taken on every facet of life is exceeds what anyone could imagine. Absorbing the medical terms, learning nursing & caregiving, learning neuro rehab, navigating emergencies, illnesses and complications subsequent to the TBI, working with worker's comp and insurance, attorneys and legal matters, Brian's employer, State Disability, selling my company, purchasing a new home, navigating construction details with contractors and permits with the county, mustering up the courage to attend award ceremonies & public speaking events, becoming a landlord to mine and Brian's home and renting that out, managing bills for two households, researching the under served realm of disordered conscious patients & reaching out to anyone that might be able to help beyond what our medical industry currently offers, facilitating visits, attending 3+ hours of therapies per day plus an additional 2-3 hours on my own, learning to become a barber for Brian's facial hair upkeep, learning proper skin care head to-toe (facials, nails, dry skin, preventing bed sores)... The list goes on, but THIS is what it is. I also have to stay sane and carve out time for myself. I want to *proudly* say I have figured out how to find that balance. I eat all 3 meals, I exercise, I sleep 8 hours per night (MIRACLE), have made it to my own doctor appointments, take care of Layla, and squeeze in time to make face time with close friends. Many of you have reminded me to do these things, many of you have said you don't know how I do it. To be honest, my WHY is my deep love, adoration, commitment, and endless belief in Brian. My HOW must be God. Because it is not humanly possible. I ponder this every day...how am I still here? How is Brian still here? How long can this go on? I give it all to God. And it is clear He has sustained us, given us what we need for the day ('daily bread'), pruned out what we do not need, and surrounded us with such abundant love from people, that it is impossible not to notice and be grateful BEYOND words. God is love. And we are loved indeed. Thank you for showing me that. If I could hug each and every one of you that have donated, reached out, texted, messaged, mailed us something, visited, prayed relentlessly - I think it would take an entire week - and many of you would be subject to some tear-filled shoulders. So consider this update & message my big, long sloppy, hug after a long, hard, exhausting year. Quick BFrank update: Brian is stable & still admitted into inpatient rehab. He has bounced back since his seizures in July and they seem to be under control. He has been vocalizing (making sounds) a lot more and we are hoping it means he's attempting speech. One thing is for sure, he is very expressive, and I will take that as a win. The work at our new house is taking longer than anticipated, but I am certain we are right where we belong, with the most loving staff of all time. We thank God every day for the hearts of Brian's care team because we feel so at home with them. If you ever have to live in a hospital, we are happy to be "in limbo" with them. They believe in Brian and they encourage me in the big and small ways, which is BEYOND their job description. And whether they like it or not, they're forever part of our 'framily.' Anyway... this all has been a very long winded way of saying: This battle isn't over. With L O V E, and on behalf of my sweet husband Brian, - Lauren Frank ................................ "God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear." -1 John 4:16-18 "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather, a lack of will." -Vince Lombardi


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