Early September Update

We made it back to rehab Thursday. It wasn't without a fight, no surprise. I'm so tired of fighting hospitals.

Overall, I guess Brian is an anomaly to the doctors, which I suppose I'm not mad about because I always hear my mom's voice in my head when things don't go according to plan..."God works in mysterious ways."

So they kept him admitted for about 5-6 days to monitor his heart and run every test possible. Everything turned up normal. No complaints from me, but also maddening because he was just losing days of rehab, laying in a bed. The low heart rates resolved and Brian was stable as all get out.

Their solution was to slightly adjust some of his meds and that's about it. Friday I spoke to a few different doctors and they are now concluding that since Brian is a fit guy who was active pre-injury, they believe his lower resting heart rates to be attributed to a healthy heart, since all the bloodwork and tests they've run are normal. So at this point they're looking at it all as a positive thing that his body is regulating to it's old self (vs running high heart rates and high blood pressures like he was a few months back). We'll take it!

Tomorrow, he will go back to the brain injury floor at rehab (they've had him on an acute floor where he's monitored 24/7 because they wanted to be overly cautious this admission to avoid another trip back to the ER).

I toured the next facility for whenever our discharge date comes (still up in the air but I'd imagine it's coming up soon). It's actually a brand new place with a great gym and they're up and coming in the brain injury realm. I'm hopeful that it'll be a good next step. I was able to connect with another wife that's there with her husband to gain some insights and also have some support in one another. Thankful to have met her and that this facility fell out of the sky so that we don't have to move out of state.

As for me, I'm not doing great. It's easy to perceive strength, when for me it just feels like survival. It's harder to get out of bed every day. It's harder not to cry all the time. It's hard to not see progress as fast as we had hoped. It's hard to not think about our upcoming 3 year anniversary and feel complete, utter devastation. As every day, week and month passes without Brian emerging, my hope and faith dwindle and this circumstance feels impossible.  And then...I talk to a wife who's husband had a long journey like Brian's, and emerged after 15 months. And it sparks my hope again.  Perhaps we aren't up against impossible after all. And then another person sends me a story about a man in a car bombing that endured 7 brain surgeries, and eventually learned to walk and talk again and he's married with kids now. Both of these stories found their way to me on days that I felt I hit my bottom. And then I sob, and pray and beg God, again, for a miracle in Brian.

If you don't see him every day, it's easy to say 'he has come so far' or 'he looks so good' or 'wow his eyes are open!'...but I see him daily and it's like watching grass grow. For me, I still see his muscle tone kick in and his arms lock up and hands clench. I hear his teeth grind and help him manage his saliva. I stretch his neck only to find he can't fully turn it or bend it because of how much tension he holds. I ask him to look at me and sometimes feel he does, but most of the time feel he doesn't. I ask him to squeeze my hand or give me a thumbs up. Nothing. It was exhausting after 1 month, and it's unbearable... frustrating... heartbreaking after 7. I see all the things he IS doing, of course, but can't help but feel they're not enough...that his spirit is still trapped away. And I yearn for the day he is truly tracking me with his eyes. I do see improvement with his eyes lately, and today I hugged him and he made some small humming sounds! They're tiny wins, but I try to look for anything on days like today - spent uncontrollably crying waiting for God to show up and show off. Where every last thing is unnerving, like the TV remote not working, the blood pressure valve leaking, the heart monitor machine beeping, the feeding tube motor squeaking, the PCT not showing up for her shift... I decided to stretch out Brian's neck to try and ignore all these small, annoying things stacking up, and I couldn't get the head rest off his wheelchair for the life of me....which inevitably broke me and literally brought me to my knees sobbing with a strong urge to scream. How do I keep a positive attitude on days like today!? How will this get better? When will Brian look at me, speak to me, or hold me again...or will he ever?

Often times lately I wake in the night, restless and scared, racing thoughts, fears creeping in. I reach for my phone for a distraction. And sometimes, it goes like this: At the top of my Instagram feed a post with a quote says:

"God is saying to you today, 'I know you have a lot on your mind right now. It feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You feel alone. Lay all your concerns before me in prayer. I will provide. I will make a way for you. Don't worry. I've got your back."

Next post:

"Don't overthink. Pray."

Scroll, next post:

"Dear God...I lay this fear down. I lay this fear down based on who you are and what you said. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Check my email:

Subject Line: Praying for a Breakthrough? Body of email: God's got this. "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." -Mark 11:24

Open text from a faithful friend:

"You intended to harm me, BUT GOD intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." - Genesis 50:20

And then slowly but surely, some hope is restored, and I can face the day with what little is left in my tank. I can do it day over day because I truly want Brian to receive the care he deserves and I am able to help ensure that happens. I'm able to provide some of that care myself, too. And my love for him is endless and that's what is fueling me. I always have believed God designed us for one another...so that same God must love us and be fighting alongside us for Brian's recovery. I'm praying He has heard all of our desperate prayers and has already answered them...and that we can see that pan out here soon. 

Praying for Brian to have a healthy go back in rehab, a clear path forward, lots and lots of undeniable progress, and Brian's full return and recovery.  Lord...make a way where there is no way. Let it be possible.

Stealing this from a blog post I recently read from another person's brain injury journey:

Isaiah 43:16-21 says….

This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, who drew out the chariots and horses, the army and reinforcements together, and they lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a wick:  “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.  The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen,  the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise. NIV

Think of all the times in the bible that God made a way where there seemed to be no way….

He split the sea

He moved mountains

He walked on water

He tore the veil

He healed the sick

He conquered giants

He closed the mouths of lions

He opened prison doors

He calmed the raging seas

God is a God of miracles. He can make a way where there is no way.

Thanks for checking in here. Thanks for praying. Thanks for reading some of my raw thoughts and feelings because typing them out sometimes offers me a chance to convince myself that I still have hope and faith. 


  1. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ˜

  2. My kids and I have been praying every night for you and Brian these past many months. You are being lifted up in prayer and girded for this battle every single day from all over the country and even across the world. The pain and heartbreak you have so bravely shared is palpable and inescapable. But palpable too is the overwhelming strength of the love you have for this man, the one for whom you were made. To witness this kind of love, as we have in following your story and having the privilege to cover you both in prayer through this battle, has been humbling and awe inspiring. Keep fighting. And when you can't, fall on Jesus. Psalm 103:1-5 tells us not to forget the benefits of God. He forgives all our iniquities. He heals all our diseases. He redeems our lives from the paths of destruction. He crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies. He satisfies us. And He renews our youth like the eagle's. Our God forgives, heals, redeems, crowns, satisfies, and renews us! We are praying these benefits over you Lauren, and your precious Brian, in Jesus' name and in His authority. You are so loved.

  3. Oh, Lauren. I am so sorry for the incredibly hard days, and grateful for the small miracles you get throughout these days. I remain in awe of you, and your love for Brian. I started crying when I read about the humming sound he made when you hugged him. We are always praying for you and Brian, and love you both. I truly believe and pray every day that he will come back to you, even more whole than before. Thank you for updating us, and thank you for your honesty, and thank you for being you. Love and strength and prayers coming your way.

  4. Beautifully stated as well as powerful. One thing I have learned raising boys on the spectrum, one step forward, three steps backwards. For every gain there has to be a setback so his body and mind can catch up. Faith, Hope and Love...you have given these to Brian, you are amazing. Stay on your path.

  5. Dearest Lauren, I just read your recent update. I loved hearing your raw honesty about how you’re feeling and also your continued hope and faith in what God can do through the both of you. You are on my heart and in my prayers constantly. Much Love.

  6. More hugs to you both, Lauren- ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Thank you for sharing your journey. I've been keeping Brian and you in my daily prayers. I pray that Brian has his health restored and that you are blessed with the strength to get through this hard time. I can imagine that sometimes it just seems so hard to cope but I like to think that life is tough but you are tougher.

  8. Thank you for your updates. My heart breaks and aches for you. Thinking of you both everyday and continuing to pray for Brian to pull through. Keep your strength, faith and take breaks as needed. Sending light, positive thoughts and hugs.

  9. I always remember Brian in my prayers. You 2 have the kind of love that some can only dream of. For that reason I pray that Brian comes back to you.

  10. Praying for your miracle every day πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’•

  11. Lauren, my heart is with you during those moments and know you aren’t alone we are all with you! You don’t have to be strong 24/7 that’s what God is for and the people around you. The U2 song I put on the list “love is bigger than anything in its way” that is so you and Brian. I know he’s fighting just as hard to get back to you and he feels everything you do. One can’t be positive 24/7 either we are all human, but the key is not to let the negative consume you and you don’t πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ’™. Keep cheering the little wins, the big wins, visualizing the wins you want, keep thanking God for everything yet to come and for everything that has happened. 4th path right :) nothing on the journey will follow the “rules” because miracles are setting the rules, prayers, belief, and love are setting the rules :) 4th pathπŸ’™. Lauren, I am sending you tons of love, hugs, prayers, warm light to surround you on your weakest days and Brain prayers and warm light for healing! I know you are being heard πŸ’™I agree with the person above, people wish and dream of having a relationship and love like you two it gives so many hope to know it still exists.

  12. Stay strong Lauren. Bring dad down to Freddy's and I'll buy you guys lunch. Message me.

  13. We are still praying Pabon. We are not the authors (or sustainers) of our faith. God is showing up, even if for now, by giving you daily strength to face that day. Those Insta posts, those comments from friends or strangers, those run-ins with new folks to commiserate with and share burdens with during like-situations...those are God sustaining you. You are right: you (we) are not strong (on our own). We need God's daily sustenance for us to survive anything whatsoever—parenting, busyness, medical issues—how much more for major traumas and trials such as yours and Brian's? God's strength shines in our weakness. It's the only hope we have to survive, and he is faithful to show up and give grace and healing. Not always for the next year, not for the next week, but each day by day, we face carrying our cross, we die to ourselves and confront our weaknesses. Christ is (y)our strength. Hallelujah and Amen, for we are feeble and unable compared to him who is strong and able!

    "...and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or imagine, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

    Ephesians 3:19–21

    πŸ’™We love you Lauren and Brian! πŸ’™
    ~Pabon and Beep Boop Bop

  14. Brian and you remain in my daily prayers. I fully believe that one day he will awaken and begin his therapy journey with you by his side.


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