July 28th - Day???

I'm exhausted. Last week really has my nerves wrecked.

The ER experience was unacceptable, disgusting and negligent to say the VERY least. Something that was highly avoidable that almost cost Brian his life. In a nutshell, Brian experienced neurostorms throughout the course of 25hrs that became more severe and more frequent and the ER staff told me to 'calm down' and 'wait our turn' while they left him on an ER cart. They did not tend to his needs as a minimally conscious patient. They did not replenish his meds or fluids when his g-tube leaked twice. They did not rotate or turn his body unless I asked. They cancelled his order for nutrition when I left to catch a couple hours of sleep. They dropped the suction piece on the floor several times and still attempted to use it in his mouth (I did not let that happen). 

When Brian was finally admitted, he was near critical (heart rate 180, temperature 104, sweating/bright red, postured, pupils blown, gasping for air). And even at that level of visibly critical, patient care techs did nothing. We had to beg for the urgent care team. Within seconds, 15 people were in the room. Four rounds of morphine later, his heart rate was still extremely high, but they started to see hope in his body's response and saved his life. We stayed with him until they kicked us out at midnight while he perpetually, severely stormed. If you read articles about this and see it says that this is more difficult for the family than the patient to experience -- that's wholeheartedly true. 

But he stabilized. And so we move forward.

I expected to be in the hospital for weeks, but as of Monday afternoon, we are back at the rehab hospital (praise the Lord). Brian is bouncing back slowly but surely. And we are praying that the neurostorming is an indication of increased consciousness (asking desperately, more like).

I celebrated my first birthday since meeting Brian, without him. I couldn't be with him on readmission day because of the covid test. So I spent the day with family and some best friends that forced me to eat good food, swim a little, and enjoy some wine. And my goodness did I feel the love from near and far by way of calls, texts, messages, and little sneaky care packages (special shoutout to Giuliana, the sweetest little girl of all time that made her parents drive all the way to the city to give me a hug & some very special birthday treats!! )

I tried hard to allow myself feel the love, because I know for sure Brian would want me to. But Brian is a birthday king, so it was hard to not think about what he might have had up his sleeve this year.  Surely it would have involved some Superman ice cream though. To everyone that went out of your way to make me feel special Monday, please know Brian would be SO thankful. I know when he wakes up he will be beyond appreciative that I was taken care of. <3

As for today and the days ahead, we keep the hope and faith that Brian's continuing on his healing journey. I have to cling to the tiny victories to keep going these days. So our tiny victory yesterday was: speech therapy was able to get a spoon entirely in his mouth, on his tongue!  He hasn't ever been relaxed enough in his jaw to allow anything to touch his tongue fully - so we will take it!! 

Thank you for everyone lifting us up in prayer and for the seemingly endless amount of support. I don't have words to convey what it actually means to me.


Side note:

If anyone knows of any month-to-month condo rentals in Streeterville that might be able to house me, Layla and my brother - let me know. We're needing to find a place ASAP (like Aug 1st). Ideally, furnished & dog friendly. 


  1. Almighty God,
    You reach into the darkness with hope, truth and light. Stretch out your strong hand in this situation, hold and rescue those who have suffered. Let your almighty love move mountains, cross seas and breathe life into the darkest places.
    Light that redeems.
    Light that restores.
    Light that heals.
    Light that protects.
    Light that saves.
    There is nothing higher, stronger or greater than your love.
    We trust in you.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to update us. I know we've all been wondering what is the latest news. I'm so sorry Brian had to experience horrendous care (or lack of) at the other hospital. I'm glad he's back at the rehab hospital and making progress. I posted a little prayer of hope above for you. I get those emailed to me at times from Lourdes. As always, you and Brian are in my prayers!

  3. Lauren, Know that you and Brian are constantly in my prayers. Brian is also on our church prayer list and each week in worship we pray for him. Our service is broadcast in a large area of Southern IL and I know many others are including him in their prayers. God is doing something special here—beyond our understanding or comprehension. He will never leave you or forsake you—and neither will we.
    —-ISP Chaplain Bill

  4. Check into the parents of Depaul page or group, a lot of apartments and condos on there. Praying for Brain and you.

  5. We are praying for Brian and for you, along with our small group every Tuesday and beyond. Our God is a God of love in the darkness and one that walks with us through the storms, especially when we cannot see. We are agreeing with you in prayer from Ethiopia, friend!

  6. Happy belated birthday Lauren! Sorry it wasn’t the same this year, but I’m glad you were surrounded by love. I am so sorry about the ER these days you have to be your own advocate and it’s sad. Praying for you all especially Brian! Huge hugs and warm light to you all! πŸ•―πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  7. I think of you and Brian often. I hope that you informed the hospital of this horrible ER experience. So very sorry to hear that you had to go through something like that. It is unacceptable and should be addressed ASAP by hospital management.

  8. Lauren I just wanted you to know I am constantly thinking of you and Brian. I hope you are doing as well as you can be.

  9. Hi Lauren, I'm glad you are taking a much needed break from posting and keeping us updated. After the horrendous experience you all went through a couple of weeks ago, I hope you are all just taking care of yourselves right now and Brian's neuro storming has subsided for good. I'm sure there is still a lot going on with you and decisions needing to be made and prayers being said. Just wanted you to know, that taking this time off from the updates doesn't mean we aren't praying. On the contrary prayers continue each and every day for all of you. So please take all the time you need to rest and take care of yourself.


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