June 22 - Day 127

I'm doing my best keep everyone updated while juggling visitors, participating in therapies, and trying to spend some quality time with Brian in between his sessions (on top of trying to plan the unforseeable future and research on potential next facilities). But I do think it's important to keep everyone informed so here's the latest:
  • Today the doctors have increased his dopamine medication to the maximum dosage, in addition to a few other meds to help decrease his muscle tone.
  • Yesterday he scored 3 more points on the rancho scale! (the Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning Scale is a renowned clinical tool used to rate how people with brain injury are recovering. The ten levels of recovery noted in the scale also help to decide when a patient is ready for rehabilitation. As patients "wake up" after a head injury, they go through different levels of recovery on the Rancho Scale. Each level describes a general pattern of recovery, with a focus on cognition and behavior).
    • AKA they were able to get increased responses from him - the things I was present for included improved visual tracking, vocalizing sounds, localized responses to pain, and when asked if his name was Brian, he appeared to wave his hand (though we aren't sure if this was a direct response it was still a new movement). He also appeared to attempt unbuckling himself from his harness in his wheelchair.
    • He grabbed a spiky rubber ball off of his stomach after the therapist rolled it around and asked him to grab it. He completed this 3x! They captured it on video for me and it is definitely the most complex response we have seen!
  • The therapists used a specialized chair to put him into a standing position, which was his first time standing almost 90 degrees (assisted).
  • He followed a music video on a phone with his eyes from left to right and back again one time.
  • He now has a one way speaking valve placed on this trach. The next step is capping, and the final step would be removing it all together!
  • During speech therapy, he completed 15/15 swallow tests (they put an ice cold spoon in his cheeks to trigger saliva generation and then wait to see if he will swallow on his own. He has always done well with this).
  • Speech therapists have also noticed his jaw/clench is not as tight as it used to be and are able to brush his teeth more easily now.
  • His blinking & visual threat responses have improved significantly. He even responds/flinches when I come at his eyes from the side, which means his peripheral vision is coming back.
Last week, while trying to research post acute care facilities, I decided to join some support groups online to get advice & feedback, hoping it would give me some clarity on what to do once we are discharged (we got the full 4 weeks for now). It really negatively impacted me to read what other people are going through with their loved ones who suffered a TBI, not to mention the mixed reviews on facilities that made everything feel more overwhelming than before. For two days I sobbed and pleaded with God - asking for clarity, to guide my steps & decisions, to guard my mind and heart - to wake & heal Brian! I feel so far gone from our former life, from feeling joy, from the 'normal' things. But then a woman in the forum posted that her husband got accepted into the same facility in Chicago as the one Brian is at and she will be transferring him this week. She asked quite simply if anyone else had experience there. I private messaged her and we quickly bonded and setup a time to meet for coffee. She reassured me that our husbands will be okay and that we can pray together for them -- while I reassured her that she will be in good hands and I will happily show her around the city and give her any insights I have on the facility here (they're coming from KY). After keeping in touch with her the past couple of days (and seeing her pray for Brian on her FB page while she prayed for her beloved husband) I realized that I needed to sit in the hard stuff on those support groups for a little while, face it head on, and then God stepped in & introduced me to her and I believe that was the sole purpose of joining. Because he introduced me to someone that believes and agrees with me, that our God is bigger and is able. He will make a way.

Meanwhile, all of the other angels on earth I / we have encountered along the journey, including everyone that reads this blog, prays with us on Sundays, and has been with us since day one (friends & fam, I'm looking at you) have played integral parts in reminding me of that. There are things that are timed so perfectly, and words that are delivered to me at the exact right time (sometimes the SAME verses from multiple people on the same day) that remind me how near God is to us. And yet when I lay my head down each night and look at Brian's empty side of the bed, I still pray to God to help me with my unbelief - because I see all the signs, I witness all the progress - but going home alone and not talking to Brian for yet another day...minute...month...still aches in deep my heart and quickly makes me forget all the good things that God has provided every step of the way. So I believe, but God, help me with my unbelief. 

Yesterday, the chaplain from the hospital came to sit with me. She brought me a beautiful knitted shawl from her church that was blessed and prayed over. She also gave me a little devotional called "Your Daily Bread" (which is a concept I just now started understanding about God...he doesn't give us our weekly or monthly bread, but just enough for today). We had a really nice conversation about prayer and healing. I told her I believed that this is all on God's timing, not my own or Brian's own. At that exact moment I got a text from a friend with a quote that read "my heart stops rushing when I remember the timing He has chosen for me is greater than anything I could come up with on my own." And then this morning I woke to another text from another dear friend and prayer warrior for us - and she said the Lord delivered this verse as a reminder to me (a verse I shared on day 111):

"The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end. They are the shoot I have planted, the work of my hands, for the display of my splendor. The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time, I will do this swiftly." -Isaiah 60:20-22

I don't believe in 127 days of coincidences or luck. 
I do believe that God is coming to the rescue, and its on display in many different ways; through dreams, prayers, scripture, perfectly timed texts, friends / company, special people in health care that truly care for us (btw I have yet to see Ashanti again so I'm starting to wonder if she really was an angel lol), clouds (Kathy πŸ˜‰), meeting a stranger in a support group that is also a newlywed experiencing this heartbreak, and inexplainable strength to endure this day over day (surely this is God's strength and not my own). 127 days of trusting God, asking for help, and logging all the good in the day that he provided (daily bread). When we open our eyes and list the things we are grateful for, every day, it's then we can stay hopeful and grateful despite our circumstances. I'm learning this slowly but surely.

Please pray for Brian's continued emergence to consciousness. That his healing leads him to complete & miraculous recovery. That the dreams in both mine and Brian's hearts, were set there by God, and that he will fulfill his promises to us...for hope & a future. I need to see Brian return to his full self and my prayers wont be for anything less. Lord, let that day be soon, because I really miss Brian. I really miss my best friend, and I really would love to grow old with him in a meaningful way, the way we imagined & promised we would (with many adventures in between) on our wedding day. Thank you for choosing me to be his wife. Please continue to protect and heal him completely. Amen.


  1. Thank you as always Lauren for the update. We are all rooting for Brian. I’m glad you found someone to connect with and talk to that is going through the same thing. Like you said, you were meant to cross paths. ❤️❤️Hang in there sweet Lauren!

  2. Thanks for the update. Stay strong, keep praying and know that so many are cheering him on. You are amazing. He’s so lucky to have you. He knows and feels your love. The time will be soon I hope. Praying.

  3. πŸ™❤️πŸ™ Thank you for sharing Brian’s continuing progress. My heart aches for you both as I read your words. It is truly a gift from God that you found someone from the support group. Each daily portion brings you nourishment and strength to keep going on this unimaginable journey. May there be rainbows at the end. Hugs. ❤️

  4. Thank you for yet another precious peak into your world Lauren. I trust and believe in the work God is doing in both of you. You remain in our hearts and prayers over here.
    His will be done❤️πŸ™

  5. Isaiah 41:10
    Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

  6. Thank you for sharing all this. You and Brian are amazing people. Continued prayers as you progress.

  7. Always thinking of you two even though we have never met. Thank you for your continued updates.

  8. So, so grateful for these updates. Thank you for always sharing your heart with us and giving us all the information on Brian's amazing progress. I so appreciate you letting us see into the journey since we can't all be there day to day. I can't imagine how grateful the woman is who you met through the support group. It is such a blessing for her to have you there in Chicago. Sending you love and hugs and endless support. Praying, praying, praying for your rock star husband.

  9. I pray for him to awake, fully, and be able to be completely restored to you--to be even better than the man he was before, which is saying something! Glad to hear about of the continuing progress and good news, and that you are finding moments of peace and hope and strength. We love you, and we love Brian, and we are still here for you!

  10. Thank you for your continuing updates, we know that all of our prayers are being answered. Stay strong for Brian as he needs you now more than ever.

  11. Will always pray for you and Brian daily at the Miracle Cross ✝️πŸ™

  12. Uplifting you and Brian in my prayers daily

  13. So happy to read this great news! I’m so grateful to hear Brian is making progress and pray that God grant you all that you deserve for a beautiful future together.

  14. So much happening! It’s great to hear the progress and his responses. And I’m so glad you found another person who truly knows how you feel! Xoxo

  15. My prayers are still going out for Brian and his family

  16. Lauren, I’m really happy that you found some new support from the group. Fresh perspective is always a good thing. Sometimes it helps us appreciate what we have been through and other times we help others through our own pain. It is a slow and agonizing journey waiting for Brian to come back to you but we are all here rooting and praying you through it. Lean on whoever you can because we are all connected and need each other at sometime or another. I pray for you both everyday and always look for your updates and nuggets of good news. Hugs πŸ€—

  17. I pray for Brian's healing every day. This past Sunday I wrote my prayer request to heal Brian in the prayer book at my Church. God bless him, you and your family.

  18. Thank you for sharing Brian and your journey. Keeping you two in my prayers.

  19. Lauren you and Brian are amazing young people!! You are both on the right path....God's chosen path for you both!
    I'm with you!!

  20. Praying so hard for you both! He is so strong and so are you! Praying for his healing and so proud of his progress!

  21. You don't know me and we will probably never meet, but I regularly check for/read your updates. Your words are always so inspiring even when you are having tough days. Your positivity is contagious. I have been praying for Brian and you and your family. πŸ™πŸ€—

  22. Lauren, your strength, passion and true belief in God’s grace and time will get you through this. I have never been more inspired by someone as I am with you. I read these passages and melt. My family, friends and support groups around the world are always praying for you both. Your love is strong and will see you through this.
    God Bless you both, that you will soon be adventuring together in each other’s arms.

  23. In my prayers and this comes to mind Corinthians 4:16

  24. πŸ•―πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  25. My respect for you lovely Lauren continues to grow.

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