June 17th - Day 122

"If you're a loved one, grieving and worrying about someone who's in the hospital, it can be really difficult...But we see from Scripture that God is there throughout all those moments and that his love for us doesn't change. When you really dive into Scripture and realize he is merciful and that his steadfast love for us  never ceases, when you observe things in the hospital, you can pick up glimmers of his love breaking through. It doesn't discount the tragedy of what you see, but you can still see his grace and love at work."

"...their hardest trials are really their mercies in disguise. They are mercies because they force us into the arms of Jesus where, otherwise, we might not be inclined to go. When we see trials that way, our unruly hearts learn that this world is, in no way, our home." 

"I see mercy in the dusty sunlight that outlines the trees, in my mother’s crooked hands, in the blanket my friend left for me, in the harmony of the wind chimes.  And I learn a new prayer: thank you. It’s a prayer I don’t mean yet, but will repeat until I do.

Call me cursed, call me lost, call me scorned. But that’s not all. Call me chosen, blessed, sought-after. Call me the one who God whispers His secrets to. I am the one whose belly is filled with loaves of mercy that were hidden for me." -Full blog post here: God is on the bathroom floor

I read some blogs / articles this week and these were some things/quotes that stood out to me.

This week, here are the glimmers of God's love & mercy breaking through:

  • Brian's visual tracking is improving. It's not great yet, but it's better this time in rehab than it was before. His eyes also move in the right directions when moving his body side to side in physical therapy.
  • Brian's now on 2 neuro stimulants, including the newly introduced dopamine.
  • He had an ENT evaluation and everything looks good except for some mild edema from acid reflux in his throat - so they reduced the size of his trach to the smallest size and he tolerated it well. He will have a one way speaking valve placed for speech therapies until they decide to challenge it with a cap early next week. Final step/goal is to remove the trach all together!
  • Brian's visual threat response is strong (aka he reacts with blinking when there is visual threat approaching his eyes from the front or side)
  • Making more audible sounds with his voice (just in his throat, not speaking).
  • Alert (eyes open) for a majority of the day.
  • Jaw / clenched bite is more relaxed than his previous stay.
  • Swelling in face is gone (which was present before his shunt surgery).
  • Increased spontaneous movements & increased sensitivity to sound, touch and noxious stimulus.
  • On Tuesday, I cried uncontrollably all day. No particular reason other than the weight of this circumstance itself & what next steps we should be taking. Each therapist & nurse came to check on me, sit with me, listen, hug me... one at a time to make sure I felt supported. 
  • Prayers and encouragement sent to me daily from both friends, family & strangers.
  • Yesterday, the overarching theme of all my prayers and the prayers sent TO me was "Trust me." Loud & clear!
  • Fresh bread, smoothies, showers
  • The weather & the daily sunsets & moonrises
  • The smiles on people's faces when they see Layla
  • Dreams of Brian coming home, hugging me, telling me he missed me.
  • Sitting in the hospital bed with Brian, holding his hands, and letting him hear my prayers.
Please pray for Brian's conscious fight. Pray he returns to consciousness & soon before we potentially have to uproot and move across the country. I'm praying we can continue Brian's recovery in Chicago, where our support system is. Casting those anxieties on the Lord & trusting Him to make a way. 

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." -1 Thessolonians 5:16-18


  1. Praying praying praying with you!! πŸ’™

  2. Praying for you and Brian. Sending you both love and strength right now. XXXOOO

  3. Oodles of prayers from the Bollows. We think about and talk about Brian often. It's clear the two of you have a special kind of love. Love and positive vibes are surrounding you both.

  4. Praying for strength for both of you. I know you miss talking to your best friend - but we are praying every day for both of you

    Paula and Larry Garcia

  5. Praying for you both, always! πŸ’™

  6. You guys are ALWAYS in my prayers...thank you for keeping us informed.

  7. Love πŸ’˜ and prayers πŸ™for you both daily, will never stop

  8. Love and Prayers every dayπŸ™❤️
    I’m praying & believing in Brian’s continued improvement. May you keep hearing from God for strength to do all things He calls on you to do every step of the way πŸ™❤️

  9. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

  10. Philippians 4:6-7 ESV
    Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

  11. I am praying and will continue pray for Brian to come home to you at last. So that you 2 can continue your lives together. I pray so very hard for you.

  12. Lauren I too am sending you huge hugs! Keep up all the hard work Brian! Way to go Laya bring smiles to everyone who needs them, you take after your mom and dadπŸ’™. Lauren, May you be lifted from your bed on your heaviest day, May you always feel the love and support of everyone around you because you are amazing and I know your husband can’t wait to put his arms around you and tell you this! Soon it will be soon because he’s fighting hard to come back to you! πŸ’™. πŸ•―πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  13. Lord, your Word speaks promises of healing and restoration and I thank you for the miracles you still perform today. Today I claim those promises for Brian. I believe in the healing power of faith and prayer and I ask you to begin your mighty work in the life of Brian. Please reach down and surround Brian with supernatural peace and strength and give his family the faith to believe that all things are possible for you. Protect Brian and his family from Satan’s lies and discouragement and let miraculous healing begin. Amen. πŸ’™

  14. Although I never met Brian’s wife, I briefly lived next door to Brian. One afternoon in the midst of a life changing divorce as to not scare my daughter, I used to go outside and sometimes just sit way in the back of the property and just have a good cry and talk to God or any critters in the woods that may be listening. Haha. Brian approached me and really offered some very kind words that I so desperately needed to hear at that moment. He touched my soul and restored my faith in life. I pray every day that God can heal Brian and return the favor in saving his life as he did mine. Prayers to Brian every day for a recovery.

  15. Although I never met Brian’s wife, I briefly lived next door to Brian. One afternoon in the midst of a life changing divorce as to not scare my daughter, I used to go outside and sometimes just sit way in the back of the property and just have a good cry and talk to God or any critters in the woods that may be listening. Haha. Brian approached me and really offered some very kind words that I so desperately needed to hear at that moment. He touched my soul and restored my faith in life. I pray every day that God can heal Brian and return the favor in saving his life as he did mine. Prayers to Brian every day for a recovery.

  16. Praying so hard for you and Brian

  17. Praying daily!!!! Reading your posts and seeing the specific prayer needs is helpful-- I will include these needs in my prayers. God Bless!!!!

  18. I send prayers to Brian and you, all of your family and friends! Blessings and speedy recovery, positive news, and health for all who know you and your strong Brian, who is fighting for you everyday! I know that you know that! Be gentle to yourself and make sure you find ways to rest, regenerate and stay positive.

  19. Thank you for the update. God is watching over Brian and making sure the doctors are doing exactly what they need to.

    Drug Rehab Karachi


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