May 30th - Day 104

After the excitement of seeing Brian give a thumbs up and start to move more, we found out Wed AM that the doctors wanted to transfer him back to the hospital because his neurosurgeon noticed his ventricles have slightly enlarged since his cranioplasty (i.e. they suspected he's not draining properly which causes pressures to increase). They wanted him back to place an external drain and determine if he needs a shunt after all.

He was transferred and admitted by Wed night (and big thank you to Jose & the other ISP trooper that showed up last minute to escort his ambulance with me during rush hour). What a rollercoaster of emotions last week brought.  Needless to say my nerves were pretty shot, experiencing the highest of  highs with signs of improvements, only to be met an out of the blue 'setback' that resulted in experiencing some ultimate lows...luckily, I was able to sit in my feelings momentarily, recharge and keep moving (thankful for the peace from God that surpasses all understanding...because it certainly wouldn't be possible or achievable in my own strength).

Thursday he had the EVD drain placed - operation went well and Brian has been stable since. His ICPs have also been low/normal. They've just been monitoring him through the weekend and will update me on their decision about placing the shunt by tomorrow or Tuesday. We suspect it is likely that he will need it, however, our family trusts that whatever they decide is what Brian will need to continue making progress. 

Once they make a decision and any necessary operations take place, he will be transferred back to rehab. There haven't been any updates here because we have basically been in a holding pattern.


Dear Lord, please guide the doctors in making the best decision for any procedures Brian needs in order to continue making progress. If he needs a shunt, let it be the the thing he needs in order for his brain to continue healing in a more consistent manner. Thank you for keeping him safe in transport, stable, and for surrounding us with familiar, caring people throughout. Please Lord, we ask you once again for complete restoration for Brian and please keep us patient and faithful in the waiting. Let this detour with the potential shunt be another example of your perfect timing on this long road. Please return Brian to full consciousness - so he may have the opportunity for a conscious fight. We miss him - I miss him, God. I trust your plan, I surrender this circumstance to you. Please fulfill your promise to our marriage covenant to give us hope & a future. Amen!

For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward him, so that he can show his great power in helping them. -2 Chronicles 16:9

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. -Hebrews 10:23 NIV

So now wrap your heart tightly around the hope that lives within us, knowing that God always keeps his promises! -Hebrews 10:23 TPT


  1. Thank you for the updates sweet lady. We are continuing to pray for all the best things for you and Brian. xoxoxo Your strength and faith is inspiring!

  2. I’m a wife of a Police Lieutenant in the suburbs and me & my kiddos read your story & pray for you and Brian everyday!! Continued prayers for Brian from all of us!! Stay strong always... Brian’s got this!πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ’™

  3. Love you Lauren and BrianπŸ’•
    Praying and believing for all you are requesting!πŸ™πŸ™

  4. Love you, sweet little Lauren. God has a beautiful plan for Brian and we are cheering for him (and you) and praying for you both, in the wait. Much love from Michigan and Alyssa and Ray in North Carolina.

  5. My respect for you lovely Lauren continues to grow. You are one strong lady. I continue to pray for Brian’s recovery. Stay strong Lauren.

  6. Thanks for the update, and good to see you last night on the Zoom. Praying for Brian and you, every day. Love you! And so does your best friend, Haley (good to laugh about that last night, too). XXXOOO

  7. Thank you for the update. God is watching over Brian and making sure the doctors are doing exactly what they need to. God is great.

  8. Sending prayers and sincere thoughts for you both today and tomorrow. Praying that this is the answer. Hang in there Lauren you are not alone ❤️

    Drug Rehabilitation Center Clifton Karachi


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