May 18th - Day 92

Getting into the swing of things here has kept me occupied because I can be involved more in Brian's therapies, and I can also be with him anytime between 8a - 8p, so I try and spend most of the days with him and by the time I get home, I'm pretty cashed out! But some exciting things to share:

  • 🐢Layla has been able to join us at the hospital and spend time with her dad snuggling which has been really a blessing to both of us! She's been an absolute angel here and I am hoping Brian can feel and sense her too!
  • Brian is on day two of having his trach capped and tolerating it really well (last week he was going about 1-2 hours at a time but now he's able to go full days without discomfort). That means pretty soon they will remove it all together which is a huge step!
  • Brian is starting to 'explore' his voice / vocalizing. He started sighing and somewhat making sounds a few weeks back but it was rare to hear or catch it. As of yesterday, it became louder and more drawn out. And today he made sounds (moaning/groaning) almost every time he had his eyes opened (which was quite a bit compared to last week...all the therapies really made him tired but today was his most active day in therapy without too much fatigue for the remainder of the day...YAY)!
  • Tonight he is officially on cleaner nutrition!
  • Today he also seemed to have improved control of his neck muscles and seemingly legs too.
  • In PT, they got him to 35 degrees on the tilt table which is the most he's done (the goal is to get him full upright to 90 degrees).
  • On Sunday night, I was feeling pretty exhausted and unsettled. I prayed for the visitors policy to change soon because I was running on fumes, and only having one other person to come visit didn't seem fair or reasonable to me. Yesterday when I walked into the hospital, the first thing the nurse told me was that the visitation rules changed and now anyone can come visit, just has to be one person at a time!! Such a blessing to our family so that his parents and my family can get some quality time in with him too! Big answer to my specific prayers the night before!
I am most encouraged by his increased vocalization. I think once the trach tube is removed he will be much more comfortable and it'll be a whole new ballgame! Praying this kind of progress keeps building & that it helps him turn the corner in his recovery. I keep reminding myself - all the little things are big things! And they're happening!

I am continuing to pray for contentment, strength, & patience -- and restoration & ultimate healing for Brian. It's been so surreal to watch unfold and I am anticipating a big miracle with Brian's name on it. It's been a long first week, but it's feeling like we are closer and closer to go-time!

Thank you God, for providing relief & support for us during this difficult and anxious time. Thank you for continuing to heal Brian and give us signs. 

"And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." 
-Phillippians 1:6

Lord, please bring the good work you began in Brian, to completion! See him through to his full, meaningful, purposeful recovery. Amen.


  1. Great news! And I absolutely love that Layla has been able to go with you! ❤️🐢

  2. So happy to hear this. πŸ‘πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ’™

  3. What wonderful news! It sounds like Brian is in a wonderful facility, and to included Layla too!
    Lauren is there anything you need that those that read your blog can help you with? Please reach out.
    Dear Lord,
    Please watch over Lauren and Layla, continue to give her the courage and strength she will need, continue healing Brian back to her. Bring this family together again. Amen

    Cyndie ❤️

  4. So wonderful that you call be together. For Brian and for you.

  5. So happy for your many answered prayers. Also, great news to have more family allowed to visit. We keep praying for you both. Let us know if you need anything. Joel and Mimi

  6. Thanks for the update! I keep praying for Brian's healing so that he can come home to you!

  7. This brings such peace to us. Brian is a fighter...with you & Layla at his side (and of course, the Good Lord), he will accomplish things in his own way & time. WE LOVE YOU BRIAN FRANK!!! Endless love for you too, sweet Lauren!

  8. Those steps really ARE big steps!! I still remember hearing Brandon’s first sound and the joy it brought us all.
    We are celebrating and praising God with you for each and every stepπŸ™❤️

  9. Great update! So glad Layla is able to be there with you and Brian and for the change in the visitor policy. Prayers for continued strength and healing.πŸ™πŸ»

  10. Wonderful news. So glad Layla is there with both of you, and that you can be with Brian even more and that he can have more visitors. Praying for you both, every day, day after day. Come on, Brian. You got this! Love to both of you.

  11. Thank you Lord, Thank you God, Thank you Jesus AMEN πŸ™ Will always continue to pray πŸ™ for Brian and you πŸ™

  12. GREAT NEWS! Having Layla there is important, in her life too. Lauren, we are continuing our prayers, God is so good!


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