Wed, April 14th - Day 58

Yesterday evening, they removed Brian's EVD! No shunt needed! πŸ™πŸ™Œ Thank you God for answered prayers!

They'll keep him for 24hrs at the ICU for monitoring, but Brian has been stable throughout. He will go back to acute care tomorrow and then we will establish a new timeline for transfer to rehab.

He has started to spontaneously wiggle his toes and move his legs, so we're happy to see unprompted movements of his extremities!

They say the best healing happens while you sleep, so I pray Brian's restful state in his coma is helping him heal as best he can, before he wakes. I pray he wakes SOON, even before the transfer to rehab, so we can begin recovery ASAP! Lord, I am ready to champion Brian's therapies & create a loving and healing place for him (as are all of his friends, family & co-workers)! I know we are all so eager to see him through those days! God, we've seen you perform miracles time and time again - I've learned of so many brain injury stories with remarkable, miraculous, recoveries...people who have survived and rebounded from injuries even more severe and significant than Brian's - God, you are able!  I hear those and my heart sings for those victories and fills me with HOPE! Those people & families have given YOU the glory and shared the good news with me. Thank you.  Thank you for whispering hope to me for 58 days. Thank you for seeing Brian through every single 'challenge' (and even skipping some all together). Thank you for almost NO setbacks along the way, when we fully anticipated they would be inevitable (honestly, this is remarkable in and of itself)! Thank you for picking me back up from my dark days and reminding me of what you are doing & capable of. Thank you for placing the exact right people in our lives to see us through. Thank you for answering our specific prayers! Thank you for protecting Brian from the very moment of the accident! I (we) humbly ask for more! Give us the ultimate miracle we know you are good for: Brian's return to consciousness and full recovery! Please heal & restore him! We know you've heard our cries, but we will seek you & continue to prayerfully ask. We're storming the heavens with these prayers, Lord! Please have mercy on Brian, Deb & George's son, Georgie & Erin's brother, my husband, our friend, a protector, an uncle & god father, the good neighbor... he is one of your finest creations - please give him new life! Amen.

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” 
Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
-Revelation 21:5


  1. I pray that God continues to bless Brian with healing and you with strength!

  2. Amen to that!!!

    Lord, I thank you and praise you in advance for all you will continue to do for Brian! For it is in Jesus’ powerful name I pray. Amen!

  3. Angels do their best work while you are sleeping!

  4. I am so glad to hear the surgery went well and no shunt needed!! Small miracles add up!!

  5. More good news!!
    Continued prayers πŸ™❤

  6. No shunt! Awesome
    Thank you Lauren for all the updates, we are always thinking of you both, and reading them brings us joy and hope for Brian, you , his family and friends.

  7. Amen! Thank you Lord! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™πŸΌπŸ•―πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  8. Lauren, your updates are so uplifting. Continue prayers and thoughts of you and Brian.

  9. Lauren, what a strong woman you are, a true inspiration. Please Lord Brian has come so far, continue to watch over him. Please continue to watch over Lauren. Please give her the strength and courage she has shown us all throughout these 58 days. Please be sure she takes care of herself. I pray and think of you often.


  10. I lift my hands in prayer with you. In Jesus's name, Amen.

  11. Such great news! We are praying for Brian and his whole family! Please let us know if you need anything. Joel and Mimi.

  12. Continuing to pray for Brian, and you, Lauren. Glad to hear about wiggly toes. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜˜

  13. Continued prayers πŸ™πŸ» Brian’s got this!


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