Easter Weekend Update - Saturday, April 3rd, Day 47

A quick update on Brian. Wednesday & Thursday (and this whole week) have been very calm & quiet. Brian is very stable, they have even removed the ventilator out of his room completely because those lungs are pumping just fine!

Yesterday, I took my first day 'off' from the hospital and had my brother visit Brian for the afternoon. He said Brian had a very 'snoozy' day, so just less eye opening than I typically see, but rest is healing so I'm so thankful for this week of rest (and for a day for myself to recharge too).

The doctors are still saying that Brian is making forward progress and the next facility is eager to have him and start to treat him. I keep praying for that to be the perfect timing & for Brian's moment of consciousness to be near.

I wanted to share a detail about an early decision we had made to administer an Omega-3 treatment to Brian. Within the first couple of days in the CCU, one of his doctors presented this treatment option to me, which is essentially a high dose fish oil supplement, as a non-harmful option that could really help Brian down the line in his recovery (remember, at that point, there wasn't much optimism in his recovery, except from this particular doctor). He said it's still in experimental stages as to whether or not it's proven to help, but he really believed in it (and I personally have experienced the life changing benefits of omega-3 in my own health journeys) so without hesitation, I said yes! Any opportunity to help Brian with little to no side effects, let's do it! I agreed without knowing the specifics, but had enough confidence in the basic info presented and I had to decide quickly. Just this past week, an angel sent me these details about the Omega-3 treatment, explaining more specifically why it's working & that we are lucky to not be dealing with any new damages or swelling:

Thank you God, for putting that doctor in our path in the early stages!
Thank you God, for the angel that went out of her way to share these details with us!
Thank you God, for being the breath in his lungs!
Thank you God, for protecting Brian's body & brain while he heals!
Thank you God, for doctors that have Brian's best interest in mind and believe in his recovery!
Thank you God, for the next chapter of eager doctors and therapists!
Thank you God, for our family's love and support for one another during the hardest days of our lives.
Thank you God, for Easter weekend and what it symbolizes about miracles and your ultimate sacrifice & love for us!
Thank you God, for your promises.
Please, Lord, continue to heal & restore Brian. Let his life be a victory & beautiful testimony, for your glory. Amen.

"...And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To HIM be the power for ever and ever." 
-1 Peter 5:10-11

I know tomorrow is Easter Sunday, but I'd love to still hold the virtual prayer gathering at 7pm central for anyone that would like to join! Zoom link below, all are welcome:




  1. My body is one large inflammation so l have been on Omega 3 since l crashed....it does work ! I keep asking my guides and angels that are watching over Brian to keep sending the doctors who are willing to try natural methods of healing. Yeah yeah Gods still got the wheel !!

  2. What amazing news!!!! Am very happy to hear all this. And I will be I. Prayer with you in zoom. ( god willing I can zoom, never done it before) lol . Always sending prayers to you both. And so glad you took time for you. God bless young lady ,

  3. Thank you for the update, and thank you God, for granting so many prayers. Lauren, we love you and and are praying for you. See you tomorrow night on the call.

  4. Praise the Lord! Thank you for hearing all the prayers and having angels around for Brian and LaurenπŸ™ŒπŸ» πŸ™πŸΌπŸ•―πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  5. Glad to hear you took a break Lauren. He needs you to stay strong and take care of yourself. It’s hard work being the caregiver. You are an awesome wife to be so lovingly devoted. I can’t wait for the day you tell us he says something to you!! Peace and love to you (and of course Brian!)

    1. A big YES to Michele’s comment. So happy you were able to take a break to recharge. You’re amazing and sending prayers to you to keep you strong and give you clarity and endurance, but also to know when it’s time to let someone grab the wheel so you can rest and recharge.
      Sending prayers to God to continue sending these angels on Brian’s path to recovery and to keep working His miracles in Brian so he is prepared more every day for the next team that eagerly await him.

  6. Praise God for all the things- big and little that he is doing to help Brian!! Everything counts and matters! Brian matters! Each of his cells matter to God. How amazing! ❤️

  7. I’m super happy about that vent being out of the room! So happy the Omega-3 treatment is working. Yeah for that doc to come your way with that option to try, and it’s working. I’m glad you had a recharge day to yourself. Keep taking care of yourself Lauren, this road you are walking has benches along the side for you to rest. Always on my mind
    Lynn Reed

  8. I just wanted to let you know, that I read all the time, I just don't reply, as I know you are so busy...I just wanted to let you know that I worked for a concussion specialist for 3 years, and one of our treatments for our patients, was to have them start taking Fish oil. My doctor felt that this improved the results for his patients, no matter their age. When I read this, I just had to add what I had learned working with him. Still praying for your entire family!!


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