Cranioplasty Tomorrow AM! - April 8th - Day 52

Brian's cranioplasty is scheduled for tomorrow (Fri 4/9) at 10am CST.

I'll do my best to explain what I learned from the surgeon tonight:

  • After reviewing Brian's CT scans since the time of the injury until now, it appears that the ventricles in Brian's brain have enlarged slightly, implying that his cerebral spinal fluid *may* not be draining on his own properly, which would then require a shunt
  • After the surgeon examined Brian in person, however, he saw that the area on his head where the cranium was removed has sunken significantly & is soft -- meaning that if there was indeed pressure build up, he would expect for that area to be swollen and/or hardened. Since that is not the case, he is assuming Brian won't need a shunt.
    • Fun fact: He told me that sometimes for patients that have had a craniectomy, their brains get 'used' to the cranium not being there and can 'expand' - aka he brain gets comfy because it doesn't have the skull to contain it - hence could explain why the ventricles appear expanded on the scan (for all doctrors reading this, please bear with my interpretations but I think I'm tracking). In most cases, he said that once the skull cap is replaced, the brain remarkably 'remembers' where and what it should do and things return to normal, from a draining perspective. The surgeon anticipates that will be the case for Brian. 
  • Since they want to be certain and not install one unnecessarily, they are going to perform the cranioplasty & then place an EVD (external ventricular drain) again to monitor over the next 3-5 days (same like they did when he was in the ICU in the beginning when we were watching his ICPs). They'll challenge his drain in the days ahead and that will tell them whether or not he's draining the fluids on his own. If he is, they remove the drain & we're good to go! If he isn't, then they will do a second operation to remove the EVD & 'install' the shunt.
    • I appreciate his approach to give Brian a chance to prove what he's able to do before doing an operation that he may not need. So let's keep praying for the best case scenario of Brian's brain doing what it needs to do all by itself, no shunt needed!
  • Operation start to finish should take 1.5 - 2hrs max! 

Updates from today in general:

  • Brian had his eyes open for a majority of the day! The longest I've seen in the past month is one full hour straight. Today he had his eyes open for most of the morning, with a few 30 min breaks, and then wide open from 2:30p - 6p!
  • He spontaneously 'shook' / 'kicked' his left leg 3x this morning (it shocked me)! And I was able to get him to repeat that movement by tickling his feet and again this evening when I attempted to move his leg myself.
  • Vitals are stable stable stable!! 
"And the God of all grace, 
who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, 
after you have suffered a little while,
will himself restore you and make you strong, firm & steadfast"
-1 Peter 5:10

^ This is a verse I read to Brian all the time. 
It brings me great comfort, but I love that this verse feels so specifically suited for Brian.

I pray, God, that after Brian has suffered a little while, you (the God of all grace) will restore Brian and make him strong, firm & steadfast!

Bless the surgeons & medical team tomorrow morning. May their minds be fresh & awake and their hands be steady & gentle. Thank you for their care & for the angel nurses that tend to Brian's needs! Thank you for the confidence and peace you've given our family in this stage! Thank you for answered prayers! We trust you!

Please be so close to Brian tonight as he rests and tomorrow during his surgery. Continue to keep him stable & healing. Thank you for showing us improvement daily! Hold him and send your angels concerning him. 

I even pray that you might wake him up, in the days ahead, after his operation & anesthesia wears off. What a miracle that would be! Nothing is impossible with you, so I boldly ask, in Jesus' name, for his consciousness to return to him sooner than we could expect. You are able! 

Give us rest tonight and strength tomorrow, Amen!


  1. Praying! I'm curious, if you don't mind a question...Did they keep the part of his skull that they took out and will reuse it, or what do they use?

    1. Great question - yes his original skull cap, they kept it frozen. They'll use titanium plates to secure it and other filler material if needed and eventually his bone will fuse itself back together!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lauren,
    I was happy to hear that the Illinois State Police have not forgotten their fellow brother Brian. I hope they will continue to be there for you and your family.
    You are an amazing young women. You courage is amazing. I’m praying all goes well in the morning, I’ll be thinking of you and Brian.
    Cyndie ❤️

  3. I have been following Brian’s blog with mss as my prayers. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

  4. Lauren, you are doing so very many things well with the Lord’s amazing grace and mercy...including all of your thoughtful, detailed and prayerful updates. Thank you continuing to allow us to lift you and Brian up in prayer with specific requests so we can see His answers again and again. ❤️πŸ™πŸΌ

  5. Brian conquered the brain drain once already! He’s got this!!

  6. Lauren, thank you for keeping us updated. And thank you for sharing your faith in God in such an amazing way. The Sunday after the accident I challenged my congregation to pray daily for you and Brian because “God is going to do something special and miraculous here”. Our services are broadcast on the radio to 20,000 people in Southern Illinois and Missouri and every week Brian is in our prayers. “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work in us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21
    —ISP Chaplain Bill, District 11

  7. Our prayers are with you, Brian, and the whole medical team today! Thank for the updates.

  8. Praying for Brian, especially during surgery this morning. Wrapping you both in love and prayers.

  9. Thank you for the updates, continually praying for Brian, you and your family. Your strength and courage is admirable :) Sending you HUGS and LOVE :)

  10. Praying for the doctors and their team, Brian, you, and the rest of the family! Sending you warm healing light and tons of hugs!!!! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ•―πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  11. Keeping Brian in my prayers. Saying more for a successful surgery!

  12. PRAISE JESUS!!! I told you he’s got the wheel and now that all Brian’s pieces and parts are all installed correctly,God can continue to connect all those pieces and parts.....EXPECT MIRACLES!!!

  13. Praise Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!! Prayers continue!! Continue the spiritual warfare for your husband’s healing! You have warriors praying with you!!

    “God Almighty declares the word of the gospel with power, and the warring women of Zion deliver its message: “The conquering legions have themselves been conquered. Look at them flee!” Now Zion’s women are left to gather the spoils.”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭68:11-12‬ ‭TPT‬‬

  14. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’™πŸ™πŸΌ


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