Wednesday March 3, 2021 - Afternoon

Ultrasound came back clear, no clots in his legs

ICP is holding stead and low and brain drain is still clamped

Boost of potassium given to make sure he stays in range


  1. πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™πŸΌπŸ•― sending huge hugs to Lauren and the whole family! I have candles going and prayers! πŸ’™ family

  2. Awesome news! Praying for you guys!
    Juan Martinez Sr.

  3. Sending prayers and hugs, together we can make a difference... Brian Frank strong πŸ™πŸ’™

  4. <3 <3 thank you for the updates

    - cousin erica

  5. I pray and send healing vibes all day long. I check in every Am and PM to see how Brian is doing. Hugs and strength to Lauren. looking forward to seeing Brian fully recover.

  6. Lauren you’re an amazing woman! Your husband would want you to take care of yourself. As dedicated as you are to him make sure you are doing the best you can to maintain your essential needs as well. I’m always checking up on you and am impressed by how strong you have been. I don’t know how you do it but you’re one hell of a woman!


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