Tuesday, March 30th - Day 43

 Quick update while I sit with Brian during his 'quiet hour.'

Brian's transfer to rehab is being delayed to next week. Nothing is necessarily wrong, the next facility just requires that his secretions are suctioned every 4 hours, and right now his vary between 3-4 hours. They just want that to be more under control. We, as a family, are not concerned or troubled by this. In fact, its kind of a relief to know he can continue to rest and heal before we hit the ground running in the next phase.

Yesterday Brian sat upright in a chair for 2hours! They do this to stimulate him, make sure his blood pressure can handle it, reposition his lungs/torso, and activate muscles that he otherwise doesn't engage while in bed. This was great to see because he was upright when I arrived! He also couldn't tolerate more than 12minutes last week, so leaping to 2hours is amazing!

Other than that, Brian's vitals and labs are all looking really good and stable still. His white blood cell count was looking a tad high but as of this morning, it's back down so we are praying for his levels to stay trending 'normal.' His thyroid and liver enzymes are also returned to normal, which I likely never mentioned but wanted to acknowledge and be grateful for all of the above! He's also been off the vent for 10 days and is only connected to 25% oxygen (the air we breathe is 21%). If he had more neuro activity, the Drs say he'd be able to breath without a trach entirely!

His picc line was removed yesterday too, so the ONLY thing he is hooked up to as of today is the oxygen via his trach and his feeding tube!! πŸ™Œ Listen - praise the Lord for this rapid stability and health!!! In the very beginning when they saw his brain stem suffered some damages, there wasn't much confidence from the medical team that he would be able to have vital functions, and here we are! Minimally hooked up, minimally medicated, and strong! AMEN! All of Brian's energy & rest can be directed toward healing his brain and that's a blessing!

As for me, I'm hanging in and doing better than the weekend. I've gotten to a place where I am surrendering all of this to God. I trust him to continue to heal and keep Brian in his protection until he's ready to wake him. All I can control is showing up for Brian daily and loving him in the best ways I can, stay by his side, pray for him constantly, and put my hope in God to return him to us when the time is right.

Please pray with me for a continued restful and stable week for this man. For the next medical team to be his 'A Team' (not that we haven't had excellent care thus far), for God's continued healing and complete restoration for Brian's brain, for endurance for us and our 'army,' for the Holy Spirit to press into us and help us persevere, and for us to trust in God's perfect timing to bring Brian back to consciousness. I've asked for that to happen before he transfers often, as a specific request, but I am releasing my own desire for that because God knows exactly what Brian needs, including where & when - so let it be your will Lord, and may we be confident in and expectant of the miracles you will perform. We ask all of these things in Jesus' name. Amen!

Thank you all for covering us in prayer, constantly. This army of support amazes me daily. Special thanks to my parents and brother who have given me a safe home, fresh meals, clean my laundry, spend time with Layla, and hold me through every moment - and to the Franks for being ever present and supportive throughout as well. ❤️


  1. GO BRIAN GO!!!! I love you both so dearly! Cheering you on from the near sidelines 🧑🧑

  2. Great news and praise God for true extra time to rest and get ready for the next phase πŸ’— Continued prayers and much love for you both

  3. Thanks for the updates! This is great news! We continue to pray and rejoice in Brian’s miraculous healing. We pray for you both! And look forward to great news to come.

  4. Thank you Jesus!!!! And thank you for the update. Amen Lauren, it’s in his perfect timing. Sending prayers for all of you. And keep up the good work Brian & Lauren!!! God bless

  5. Wonderful news! Gods still got the wheel and is still rearranging Brian’s brain, God knows what he is doing !!

  6. Beautiful words and beautiful update. xoxo

  7. Praying specifically for your trust in God to remain strong. Waiting in the unknown is the hardest part, and I hope that each day - until God awakens Brian- that your faith and trust in his timing grows even stronger. You know I love you more than words!! πŸ’›πŸ’›

  8. Thank you for the update...keeping Brian and you in my prayers

  9. Thinking of you and Brian each day. He is making strides, and at his own pace. Love that his tube is uncuffed, vocal chord sounds, and only 25% O2. He will be without that thing soon! I’m sorry you had a bad weekend. Let it go, and trust it is what you need to do to cope with all this. Get rest, and take care of yourself Lauren. Go Brian!
    Charlie and Lynn Reed

  10. Praying for complete healing for Brian and strength for you Lauren.

    “For all things are possible with God” Mark 10:27

  11. Praying for Brian's recovery every day.

  12. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ•―πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  13. Great update! So glad he’s getting stronger and making good progress. Praying for him and for you every day. We love you!!

  14. Lauren you are entitled to a bad weekend. It is good you let it out. You are so amazing and strong. Brian is making great strides forward even though it may not seem so some days. You are both in my thoughts and prayers

  15. Ephesians 4:14-21........Praying right now for you, Lauren. God's timing is perfect and so is his love. I pray Brian continues to improve and his body continues to rest when needed. I'm amazed and thankful every time I read an update where Brian makes another step forward.

  16. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’™πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’™πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’™πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’™πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’™πŸ’•


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