Tuesday, March 23rd - Day 36

Brian completed 72 hours (and is now at 81 hours) of independent breathing!! 

Vitals are strong & stable, blood gas test came back normal, so the doctors have approved him to move to the acute care facility where they will start a more rigorous approach to stimulate his brain and wake him. The transfer could happen as soon as Monday, so long as there aren't any setbacks with his breathing abilities throughout the rest of the week. 

Please pray for Brian's continued progress in the days ahead & for a seamless transition.

In this next phase of acute care, my biggest prayer & hope is that the stimulation to 'emerge' him is successful within the first couple of weeks being there (if after 4 weeks they are unsuccessful, I mentioned before that the options thereafter are not ideal). BUT, I feel so confident in Brian's strength and the strides he's made so let's continue to pray for his comeback - completely restored! We're both ready to put in the work to get him recovered, so God we ask that you return Brian to his consciousness soon & that the next medical team on his case knows exactly what he needs.

As far as the EEG goes, they mainly look at those now to ensure there aren't any seizures, and there are no signs of them! Thank, God! 

I'm praying every moment for Brian's full recovery. I pray for the wild, impossible things. I ask God to stitch Brian back together the way he did the first time, and surpass our expectations of what's to come in this next phase. In the first week after the accident, I told my friends & family that this has ruined my life... and now I am feeling confident that it has not been ruined, it is just being refined. God is refining us both.


"For I consider that the sufferings of this 
present time are not worth comparing
 to the glory that is to be revealed to us...

Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.
For we do not know what to pray for as we ought,
but the Spirit himself intercedes for us 
with groanings too deep for words...

And we know that for those who love God
all things work together for good,
for those who are called according
to His purpose."

-Romans 8:18, 26, 28


  1. Lauren, your faith is inspiring!

  2. The love I witness here has given me infinite hope for Brian.... for you... for the world you share with others. Endless prayers, my friend. xo

  3. Lauren, you have amazing faith and love for your soulmate. It’s beautiful and a blessing to witness. And the miracle god is granting on his own time. Keep the faith and we are keeping the prayers going .

  4. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌThanks for the updates

  5. You amaze me per usual. Thank you for the updates! πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  6. Oh, sweet girl. I think of you all the time and my own heart hurts for yours. Keep your faith and let the strength of those who love you hold you up when you need to allow yourself to fall. It's okay to let yourself kick and scream, rant and cry, and it's ok as often as you need to because it will keep you strong. Those who love you will help you get back up every time. Sending you all my love and every positive thought and hope your way. xoxox Dani Fortuna Ellis

  7. It will get better πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  8. Amen, sister. We are here beside and behind you both...cheering you on...Praying you on. I am confident God is not only refining you but He is refining all of us as we witness your faithfulness to Him and to Brian. ❤️

  9. As someone in medicine for over 35 years, seeing both the impossible and the crazy things, I am so inspired to listen to to Brian’s progress! It seems so hopeful. I pray and follow your updates everyday. There are so many of us pulling for you guys. I hope it brings you some peace to know that so many are wanting the best for you and Brian. Hugs!!

  10. I've been following your daily updates and pray for you and Brian every day. I admire your strength, love and faith. You are an amazing person! I am married to a trooper in district 17! My continued prayers to Brian and you ❤

  11. My favorite thought..." I am feeling confident that it has not been ruined, it is just being refined. God is refining us both." Praying continued confidence for you...God's got you both & will continue to carry you. I anticipate miracles, am excited to read your daily posts & praise God for every report! Thank you for including us on your journey. You are loved!

  12. As always, I am in awe of your faith and strength and honesty. I pray for both of you every day. I believe Brian will come back to you, with God’s help. Love you!!


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