Thursday March 4, 2021 - afternoon update

Brian is headed for CT on his digestive tract. 

He had a swelling (possibly allergic reaction) reaction to the contrast, but it’s not of concern since he has the Trach. They’ll probably give some Benadryl though. 

Oral medication to treat and prevent oral bacteria was given and Brian’s body had a “pissed off” reaction. Although hard for Lauren to see him appear to be in discomfort, a response that strong is actually encouraging. 

We might have to ultimately annoy him awake :) 


  1. Thank god !!! God is good and Brian is a miracle, god is not done with him. He will send him back to his family stronger then ever. Keeping prayers going.


  2. I am Brian's cousin(my dad is his uncle Mike lynch) and although I Hanover met Brian...I am praying so hard for him and Lauren....we love you Brian...We will have to meet when you recover..
    I live in no excuses young man...much love Stacie Lynch Stone

  3. It is time to sneak Layla in love you Brian,

  4. I agree and second bringing Layla to him!!

  5. we've attempted to dress Layla as an old lady, but the hospital didn't go for it. She outright refuses to hide in a duffle bag to be smuggled in.


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