Thursday, March 18th

Today was day 2 on just the trach collar for Brian. His vitals were stable all day, so that's still going well!

The sun came out this afternoon, so he got an hour of Vitamin D which I'm always happy for after a few cloudy days!

Brian's CT scan came back with no real changes from the previous ones, aside from reduced swelling. AKA no new information that the Dr's hadn't already known - the reduction in swelling just made those things more clear. EEG results have not been reviewed yet.


  1. What a great photo! I am agreeing with you in prayer for all of those things and adding peace and rest for you, Lauren, as well! Much love from TX🙏❤️

  2. 🙏🏻Prayers for you both

  3. Sending prayers to the both of you, god is great and let’s keep praying.


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