Monday, March 22nd - Day 35

Brian had a very restful Sunday. After completing 1.5 days of breathing on his own, the nurses told me that he's likely exhausted (the diaphragm is a big muscle and he hasn't had to work it by himself for over a month). So I didn't get many responses from him aside from slight eye opening and reflexes - but they equate his independent breathing to him running a marathon, so I spent most of our time yesterday talking to him and listening to music.

I just called this morning and Brian has been now on his own for 52 hours, and holding stable vitals!

At 3am I woke up and spent time praying in gratitude for the direct answers to prayers we have seen: getting over pneumonia & the collapsed lung! strong lungs that can breath independently! stable vitals! a sign that he's fighting back to me (the hand squeezes)! God is answering specific prayers and I believe is protecting Brian while his brain takes the time it needs to heal fully.

I'll update if anything changes by EOD - otherwise, please continue to pray for Brian's full recovery & restoration. Thank you endlessly for following and lifting us up in prayer. I know there are people reading that may not even know us, but you're part of the 'army' I thank God daily for.

p.s. I wanted to take a quick moment to also ask for prayers for our dear friends, Matt & Gina, as they navigate unknowns with Matt's health as well. They are our 'framily,' and we are godparents to their firstborn, Leo. This season has challenged us immensely and I'm praying we all end up on the same path to healing, soon, so we can get all get back to our 'big awesome lives' (<- my favorite prayer from some of our kid friends). Thank you!!!

Excerpt from my daily devotional for March 22nd:

Today we may be unable to see the final outcome of the beautiful plan that God has hidden "in the shadow of his hand" (Isaiah 49:2). It may be concealed for a very long time but our faith may rest in the assurance that God is still seated on His throne. Because of this assurance, we can calmly await the time when, in heavenly delight we will say "All things [have] work[ed] together for good" (Romans 8:28).

He never shows up late; He knows just what is best;

Fret not yourself in vain; until He comes just REST.


  1. πŸ™πŸΌPrayers for strength and healing

  2. Thank you Lauren for adding Matt and Gina to your prayers. ❤πŸ™❤ We are praying constantly for Brian's full recovery and for your strength and health.

  3. Very well said!! Lauren. You both will always be in our prayers. And ur miracle is coming full circle very soon. And sending prayers to ur friends as well. Thinking of you always.

  4. Prayers for you and Brian, and thanks for your daily updates.

  5. God is still putting together this puzzle, in Gods time only he knows when it’s the correct time to reconnect. He squeezed your hand, awesome.... does he follow you with his eyes when you move about the room?Are you playing any videos of your dog, get her to bark to see if you get any response. Also when you look into his eyes do you see his eyes smiling at you? Patients and Prayer, my Reiki healing beam is up to anyone who is in need. You guys got this....unjumbling can be a long and frustrating road but you will get there , watch for those little miracles happening every day !

  6. Oh and 3 AM wake up calls are your angels connecting with you and you two have a boat load of angels watching over you two !

  7. Ironically as we pray for you and Brian, your faith has been an inspiration to us all. Praying every day for all of you and I will add your friends to my prayers. God Bless You! You are an Angel!

  8. Praying added Matt, Gina, and Leo πŸ’™. Also sending thank you along with prayersπŸ’™. Lauren your strength and unconditional love is inspiring❤️. Sending you huge warm light to hold you extra today πŸ’™πŸ’™. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ•―πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  9. God is good! So great full to hear Brian improved more! thank you Lauren for the updates and it is amazing to see how your love is undoubtedly helping Brian heal.

  10. I would love to talk to Brian, to tell him we’re praying for him, and share with him how much each of us on his DIAP team need him. His enthusiasm, humor and positivity are infectious in the classroom...and everywhere. You have my # 24/7 (even for 3a.m praying)

    Love and prayers to you all...

    Gary Knott


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