Monday March 1, 2021

ICP steady overnight

Brian is moving his jaw on his own

Some swelling in arm, ultrasound will come to check for clot


MRI planned for today 

A Trach collar might be in the near future, which is a method that has been scientifically known to help wean patients off of all ventilator support sooner than other methods. 

Afternoon Update:

Pneumonia confirmed, but doctors aren’t worried, very common for patients with vents. Treating with antibiotics, let’s keep the prayers going that this remains uncomplicated!

Ultrasound confirmed clot in picc line; it will be removed and a new one placed on the opposite side. 

MRI results confirmed that the assumed injuries thus far have been accurate, which reassured that all treatment thus far has been exactly what Brian has needed. There’s nothing different that doctors could have or should have done so far. 

Evening Update:

The MRI does show damage that is considered to be “permanent”, but it’s unclear how the damage shown in the imaging will translate into how Brian will physically present. The brain is capable of re-wiring, compensation, and just plain miraculous things!  Brian has already done things (like breathing off the vent) which earlier CT scans showed would be improbable. 

At this point- What Brian shows us with his body will be the most important evidence to go off of! And we already know he’s on the 4th Path! 


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