Hold My Hand!

I hesitated to share this because I am still in shock & disbelief - but last night before I left, I asked Brian to squeeze my hand and I felt him respond.

My heart stopped.

I asked him several times over, with has hand in various positions to make sure I wasn't crazy and I could feel him tightening my hand, subtly sometimes, stronger others. Then he opened his eyes. I was shouting and cheering him on and telling him as much as I could to orient him, encourage him, and tell him he's loved!

I spent the whole night in shock. I even convinced myself it was all in my head. But I know it was real - I know Brian hears me and is fighting his way back. Please pray with me today as I eagerly rush back to his side to provoke more of these reactions. Please pray they're stronger, more pronounced and present on both sides!! 

Update as of 11:40am: Brian completed 24 hours successfully off the ventilator and his carbon dioxide output is 36 (normal is between 35-40, so he's in a perfect range which means they don't have to put him back on the vent if that stays there)! Vitals are all normal & stable. THANK YOU, GOD!

“Forget the former things;

    do not dwell on the past.

19 See, I am doing a new thing!

    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness

    and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:18-19


  1. Doing a happy dance!!!! Praise God ! I’m so happy for you all!!!

  2. Great news and we say daily prayers for you and Brian. You are both in our thoughts daily.

  3. This is awesome! Praying for more responses.

  4. Awesome news!! Prayers continue for you and Brian for strength, peace and patience.

  5. Great news!! Praying for more responses today!! πŸ’•

  6. Blessed news!!!!! Happy hank you for sharing ur miracle with us, this has brought tears to my eyes!! Lauren !!! Go’s loves you so very much to give you this!! And Brian. We are very excited!!! I had and have faith, but just to hear about it. It’s amazing. God is good !!! Sending hugs and prayers

  7. I'm incredibly happy to hear this news. I've been praying for you and Brian everyday since his accident. I've asked God to bring him back to you; happy, healthy and vibrant....his work here is not done, our world needs more people like Brian! πŸ™πŸ™

  8. This is AMAZING!!! So so so happy to hear this. I can only imagine how incredible that was!!! Go Brian!!!

  9. As I read this my daily Bible verse popped up....

    "Pray without ceasing."
    Thessalonians 5:17

    God is AWESOME!!!!

  10. As I read this my Bible app for the day sent an alert for the daily verse.......

    "Pray without ceasing"
    Thessalonians 5:17

    God is AWESOME!

  11. So much love for you! What an encouraging and hopeful moment!!

  12. Praise God!! We’ve been praying that you see signs of progress - thank you Jesus!!

  13. Greatest news! We will continue to pray

  14. BEST NEWS!!!! Prayers are always answered, as we continue to pray .

  15. I have happy tears!!!!!! Gonna keep all the prayers going!!!! Lauren I’m so happy for you! Thankful for this news!!! Thank you God for hearing all of us!!!! Keep those blessing and miracles coming for Brian and Lauren!!! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ•―πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’ƒ

  16. Praise the Lord! πŸ’— We continue to pray for both of you.

  17. My heart is jumping for joy! Celebrating with you as I read about the miracles unfolding before you! Thank you for sharing and giving Brian's pray warriors the honor to pray and hope and believe along with you Lauren!

  18. Ohhh Lauren this is amazing!!!!!��������

  19. Amazing amazing amazing!
    This update brought tears to my eyes . I’m so greatful for both of you . I can’t wait for the day I get the opportunity to meet him .
    I check the 4th path multiple times a day for updates .
    Thank you again Lauren .
    Your Jpd family has you both in our thoughts and prayers daily .

  20. I hope things are looking brighter for Brian today!!

  21. Lauren, such great news! We continue to pray for Brian, you and your families. ❤️πŸ™πŸ»❤️πŸ™πŸ»❤️πŸ™πŸ»

  22. This makes my heart sing! So happy you got to witness this great stride in recovery! Always on our minds, you are

  23. Oh Lauren, my heart sings joy reading this. As I read through all your updates, I felt a pure love story. I do not know you personally, but I thank you for sharing your story so that I can pray for you and your husbands strength as he fights like a warrior on his way to victory. Blessings!!!!!!


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