Friday, March 19th

Brian successfully went 16 hours off the ventilator on the trach collar! So far today he's been off of it for 9 hours (since 6am) and his vitals are stable.  PT came to sit him upright today and his blood pressure spiked, so that's slowly coming down but aside from that, the weening process is going well!

The Dr. called me this morning and said she thinks he's making progress - from her perspective, he seems more alert and both of his eyes were open for her during his exam. She said she *thinks* he tracked her with one eye (followed her) across the room once and then got tired (either way, small progress!). And the pneumonia has cleared up so he's officially off the antibiotics. The swelling on the front right side of his head is *significantly* reduced and I asked about it because it looks concave, but she said that's normal because of the craniectomy and a good sign to see.

In the 3 hours I've been here this afternoon, he has spontaneously opened his eyes twice & moved his arm when I was giving him a facial. The sun is coming in the window so he'll get another chance to soak in the sun today :)

My daily prayers for Brian are below in case you aren't on IG or FB. 

I wanted to also note some things that we should be thankful for, while we pray and ask God for more  - because gratitude is just as important as the things we hope and long for, so I remember to thank God daily for these things in his favor:

  • Brian has no other injuries to battle, so his body can put all energy into healing his brain.
  • He's young, healthy & has already defied the odds thus far.
  • He has a determined spirit and we all know he's very capable of anything he puts his mind to. Dr's can't measure or factor in the human spirit, and Brian's got a big one!
  • He's had the right care & attention since day 1, and I have felt confident in all the steps taken thus far, which was something very specific I prayed for, especially once we transferred from the ICU.
  • He has no muscle stiffness or breakdown.

Thank you, sincerely, for all the love & support. These days feel longer and some, harder than others. Please continue to pray for Brian's full recovery and miraculous healing with me. <3



  1. Great news, Lauren!! Holding you all close in prayer <3

  2. Lauren, today we pray for you both.

  3. God is listening to our prayers, and answering them as Brian continues to recover, one step at a time. Go Brian

  4. Sending prayers and our thoughts to you both. Will keep prayers going. God bless and stay strong. Xoxo

  5. Show him that fish photo and talk about how fun it will be to do that again....get that brain working again. God and Brian hear everything!

  6. Praying for you both, for healing, strength and accept the small things and remember we are on God's time <3

  7. Praying for the Lord to do a miraculous healing. πŸ’•

  8. I have read your updates every day. I knew Brian from Oak Forest High School for 4 years as well as his sister Erin as a teacher. He was a bowler and very talented. I am praying for Brian and all of you who are going through all this. I have had many tears praying for Brian. Lauren, I have never met you but thank you for being there for Brian. I am glad Brian met someone like you! He has found his angel. Brian is too strong not too survive all of this. Love to you all!

  9. Lauren I am so glad to hear this!! Do you think you would be allowed to bring in the pup? This might help too, or at least I’ve heard it does. Keep strong but don’t forget you. Without you I sincerely don’t think Brian would be doing so well

  10. You got itπŸ’™ gratitude is so important I have been thanking the lord this whole time for all the blessings you both have been given and will see πŸ’™πŸ™ŒπŸ». Huge hugs to you Lauren! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ•―πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  11. Slow but STEADY progress. All you can ask for . AWESOME


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