Thursday February 25, 2021

BRIAN IS BREATHING ON HIS OWN. I repeat, Brian is breathing without any assistance from the ventilator. 

Pupils are less dilated than they have been thus far.

He is responding to pain in his right arm, right leg, and most significantly in his left leg. 

ICP has stayed below 15 all night!!! 

Neurologist wants us to talk and laugh and play music as much as possible!! 

Afternoon Update:

Doctors turned on the ventilator for a bit to give Brian’s lungs and body a little break. He had been breathing completely unassisted from 10pm last night until about 1:30pm today. Well earned, Brian! BP was a little elevated (probably because Brian is being such an overachiever, and let’s face it- the love of his life was in the room- so he was probably pretty thrilled) so they gave him some meds to bring it down a bit, which worked right away! 

Evening Update

ICP holding nicely at 14. Little spontaneous movements and body jerks happening! 


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