2024 Holiday Season Fundraisers
đź’š MORE INFO BELOW FLYER! đź’š Saturday, November 9th - Brookfield Zoo Lights | 10a-4:30p Brookfield Zoo: 8400 31st St, Brookfield, IL 60513 Tree Location #429 We invite you & your family to come out to kick off Holiday Magic, at Brookfield Zoo, to decorate the Got Your 6 Foundation tree, honoring Brian, our friends lost in the line of duty, gold star families, and local departments. This is an OPEN INVITE to ALL DEPARTMENTS …ALL gold star families to represent your department and our friends lost in service. We made aviator ornaments, photos of Brian, and GY6 logo ornaments & Brian's badge as the tree topper. Please feel free to come hang ours or make ornaments out of your department patches. Make sure they are hang-able. Once holiday magic is over we can add them to Brian Frank’s collection. Saturday, November 16th - GY6 Blue Brew 3 | 6pm LOCATION: Alter Brewing: 2300 Wisconsin Ave Ste 213, Downers Grove IL Join us to remember those lost in...