An open letter to the fearful...

We have been home from Texas for about a month now. We are doing our best to continue the 4+ daily hours of therapies that we learned at NeuroSolutions 3-5x a week. Brian continues to improve and make gains. His wakefulness throughout the day is longer, he's getting physically stronger, his head control & tracking is excellent, he has new responses to commands, and stem cells will continue to regenerate for up to 6 months. Dr Crawford would like to have us back by end of year for round 2! I had the great honor of sitting and podasting with Dr Brandon Crawford while we were there. You can watch and/or listen here: WATCH: LISTEN: I have zero regrets about getting Brian to Austin for the treatments. But I would like to talk about the hard stuff that really attempts (and sometimes succeeds) at weighing me down. It is impor...