Court Hearing // My Impact Statement

There is no sentence or judgment that can be made that will change where we are today or what we have been through. The judgment today will not bring Brian back. So - I’d like for you [Angel] to listen to how your actions have impacted our lives. Today is a day I’ve dreaded the most because it is forcing me to look back. To grieve what once was, and to relive the most painful and scary moments of our lives. It pains me to have to do this today, without Brian whole, when deep in my heart I hoped and believed he would be the one to speak today. Before I share how the crash has affected us, I just want to say to Brian, that caring for you and speaking for you has been my greatest honor. You are not a burden to me or to any of us who care about you. The things I'm going to share are difficult to communicate but important for the court to hear today. The things I share are to help convince the court that you receive some measure of justice for the joy stolen from you in your role...