
Showing posts from May, 2022

Until the Fight Is Won

 I've been meaning to pop on here to provide an update but it's been a busy couple of months since the one year marker. So I'll list out some quick highlights and try to get back to updating more often. Thanks for loving Brian & checking in! New House Remodel: We are still under construction at the new house. Bathroom is currently in progress. Then will come the ramps, ceiling lift and equipment. Hoping to have him home by end of summer (so much red tape and time consuming processes with workers comp). Until then we are still at the rehab hospital and we LOVE and ADORE the staff there. Couldn't be happier to be held up with the best of the best. Going to be hard to leave them, which is something I didn't expect to SHOUTOUT to the incredible nursing staff, therapists, and everyone in between (transport/techs, cleaning staff, craft services, front desk, admin, office personelle) at Marianjoy. It's truly an anomaly to feel loved and cared for in the c...